Our Impact Stories

Improving Police Leadership and Enhancing Community Safety Across America
Griffin Catalyst has supported an ambitious new effort to dramatically expand career development and training for public safety professionals on the front lines of violent crime in the United States.
The Policing Leadership Academy, a new national leadership program launched by the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab, brings together rising police leaders from around the country for five months of advanced, intensive training in management best practices, leveraging data and technology and building community trust—all with the ultimate goal of creating safer, more vibrant communities.

Closing the Digital Divide
The internet is a gateway to opportunity. In-home connectivity enables people to further their education, pursue jobs, and access healthcare. But all that remains out of reach for the 18 million American households that can’t afford to get online.
Griffin Catalyst continues to be at the forefront of efforts to close the digital divide. In partnership with local nonprofits, the City of Chicago, and Chicago Public Schools, we helped create the Chicago Connected initiative to provide fast, free internet to over 100,000 students across the city. Based on its success, we convened and funded a similar effort in Miami and supported EducationSuperHighway’s national campaign to ensure that no home is left offline.

Creating Safe Environments for People to Pursue their Dreams
People thrive when their communities are safe. That’s one of the reasons reducing crime is a critical priority and why we’ve partnered with community-based organizations and researchers, including the University of Chicago Crime Lab.
We are bringing better training, technology, and data into policing to help deploy officers more effectively and helping to launch the Community Safety Leadership Academies to train rising police and community leaders from across the nation. Our goal: reduce violence while improving relations between the police and the communities they serve.
People connected to free internet at home through Chicago Connected and Miami Connected
Reduction in shootings one month after the first Strategic Decision Support Center was established in Chicago’s neighborhoods with the highest rates of violent crime
Decrease in violent-crime arrests among youth in Choose to Change’s intensive, trauma-informed programming in Chicago